Published Stuff

I’m a freelance writer in addition to being a blogger. I started when I was about 27 years old with my first story published in the Grand Rapids Press Sunday supplement, Wonderland. I wrote a cool story about a flea market and took my own photos.

“There are a lot of flea markets out there,” the editor said when I pitched the article. “The story has to show how unique this one is.” I guess he liked what he saw. And I was bitten by that publishing bug from then on. I had always wanted to write; now I was published and it gave me courage to approach more editors.

First I went to journalism school. I learned the lessons and the rules. I cut my teeth as a writer and editor on our college newspaper and the yearbook. Features, news and editorials; we wrote them all. I came home and began my freelance career after working on a local newspaper and a summer publication with local interest stories about people and happenings in the area.

Over the years I’ve written for a variety of publications and even scripts for non-profits and corporations. See, I followed up the journalism curriculum with a degree in TV production.

At that time, credits included magazines of national, regional and local interest. Some were specific to a trade or hobby–special interest publications. Like Michigan Cyclist Magazine, Collector’s Showcase and Balloon Life (hot air ballooning). Years later, I decided to create articles, devotions, puzzles/quizzes and fiction for Christian publications.

My special interest based on my faith. It’s working for me, when I work at it.
Some credits include:
The Upper Room
The Christian Communicator
The Secret Place
The Lutheran Digest
Light from the Word
Today’s Christian Living
Mature Living
The Quiet Hour

I even wandered off a little and wrote some book reviews for bookmarks. Hey, I’m a voracious reader, what can I say?

Now I’m finally writing a book. The working title is “Approachable Jesus.” (Because He is) If you feel led, you might shoot up a prayer for me and the writing process. It surely does take discipline to write regularly and I can get so distracted.

Someday, when you read this page again, I hope you’ll see the book in the list of credits. Pitching a book to an editor might be like pitching an article about a flea market when I find that niche. If you’re a writer reading this, you understand that last statement. Again, maybe you’ll feel led to pray for the marketing as well as the writing.

Thanks, and be a blessing to someone today.